Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Life Up To Date...

Jeremy and I are currently employed in Dubuque, IA. Jeremy is working for Emmaus Bible College as the Carpenter. He loves it and enjoys managing the wood shop and being able to use it whenever he wants! :) He has already made me a few things...a desk...frames, etc! He has side jobs outside of Emmaus that he is working on. Remodeling, repairing, etc. He keeps himself busy. Opposite of work, he is REALLY looking forward to deer hunting season!! :)

As for me, I am a Independent Educator, which is a fancy way of saying that I am homeschool teacher. A family here in Dubuque (Chavez family), hired me to homeschool their three girls, Hannah (10), Julia (8), and Autumn (5) for the school year. I love it and the girls are great!! Here are a few pictures of my 'classroom' (their basement).This is a reading corner that I created.

This is one angle of the room, where the girls are working.

This is the amazing blackboard that I am so blessed to have down there!

Notice the fire place, this is what is going to keep us warm during the winter! :)

This is Autumn who is in Kindergarten...

Hannah (5th grade), and Julia (3rd grade).

Jeremy and I are also, both currently working with the Youth Group at the church that we attend (ACC). We just got back from an amazing camping trip with the group and have really enjoyed investing in their lives so far!